Unleash Voice AICare Navigation

Personalized and Proactive Care at Scale

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Meet Sheela AI

Your All-in-one Personalized Member Voice AI Assistant and Care extender at Scale

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Sheela AI Clinical Skills

Supports Independent Living at Home through ongoing Care Management at Scale

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Sheela AI SDOH skills

Services Provided in Sync with Members Needs at Scale

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3-5X efficiency in Care Navigation

Using Sheela AI, Payors and healthcare providers are empowered

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QurHome is a personalized care navigation voice AI solution at Scale, enabling

Meet Sheela!
Your Personalized Healthcare Assistant at Scale.

Using Sheela voice AI, Payors and healthcare providers are empowered with 3-5X efficiency in care navigation as shown.

Experience Sheela “Day-in-a-Life”

See Sheela powered member experience in 3 minutes.
A video inspired by sheela skills for member proactive care.

Sheela’s Capabilities

Personalized Care

  • Personalized care Plans
  • Safety and fall detection
  • Family/caregiver connection
  • Symptom and Vitals Tracking
  • Pro-active care coordination

Social Care

  • Wellness
  • Checks/screenings to assess
  • Housing Stability
  • Food Insecurity
  • Transportation

Quality Improvements

  • Quality Surveys
  • Scorecards
  • Hedis gaps improvement
  • Improve Star Ratings
  • Improve member satisfaction

Healthy Equity

  • Al assessments and surveys to
  • Identify barriers to care
  • Improve access to care
  • Provide Health literacy
  • Improve Quality of Life

Analytics and Reports

  • Voice Al Analytics
  • Population Data Management
  • Disease Based Risk Stratification
  • SDOH and Clinical Analytics

Data Integration

  • Open API, FHIR, HL7
  • EMR integration
  • Internet of Things
  • IoT
  • Smart Sensors

Sheela is available in technology of your choice.

Voice AI- driven Smart Communications for better outcomes


PERS Device



Privacy and Security First

Having run the world’s largest quality health data infrastructure, we took the proactive step to place privacy and security front and centre for our technology’s architecture and design. QurHealth’s cloud infrastructure is HITRUST certified, HIPPA and FISMA Mod complaint.

Get QurHome

Please contact us to experience the power of Sheela voice AI in action.
Of course, Seeing is believing!

Hi I am Sheela,
how can I help you?